SEO Prices Sydney – How Much Does SEO Cost in Sydney?

Performing calculations for SEO Sydney prices.

With all the noise out there in the online marketing space, the question of “how much does SEO cost?” can be very confusing. But in reality the answer is quite simple.

But first let’s be very clear. Improving and maintaining high search-engine-rankings for targeted search-terms requires hard work and effort. That boils down to time and money.

SEO is not a one-time project that you can set and forget. The Internet is a mammoth collection of information that is constantly being updated and added to. Unfortunately without an ongoing SEO campaign, your website will eventually dwindle away in all the Internet noise and information from your competition.

What Should Your Sydney Business Pay for A Quality SEO Service?

If you spend even a short amount of time researching this question you’ll find similar results. All the reputable websites tell us that a typical SEO service costs around $750-$5000 per month.

Of course there are many factors that will influence the cost that is required for each SEO campaign. In some cases, SEO services can cost much more than $10,000 per month. Obviously, this is for extremely large corporations in very competitive markets with huge marketing goals.

Factors That Influence The Cost of SEO Prices Sydney

The reason for the large variation in SEO prices in Sydney ($750-$5000+ per month) is due to the variables that occur with each campaign. Listed are the main factors that will determine how much a specific SEO service will cost:

Industry & Market Competition

Needless to say that if the competition in a specific industry is higher, then it will take more work and effort to compete. This not only means higher costs for the SEO campaign but can also mean it will take longer for rankings to improve.

As Sydney is Australia’s largest city, competition is usually higher (when compared to other locations in Australia) for the majority of industries. This is due to more businesses competing for the same amount of top positions in Google. Regardless each business needs to be treated separately when preparing their SEO strategy.

Target Areas & Services

It is much easier to improve a websites ranking for a small targeted area. For example, it it much easier to rank for a keyword that only targets a single suburb in Sydney, when compared to a larger area, such as all of Sydney, or the whole of Australia. Consideration also needs to be on the services, or products that are being targeted.

Knowing your businesses target areas and services allow the SEO Sydney agency to formulate a keyword strategy. Based on the level of competition on each keyword will then influence the amount of work that is required for the SEO campaign.

Business Goals

This is a large factor. If the goals of the business are to dominate Google for all targeted search terms and achieve 1st place rankings, the SEO strategy may need to be very comprehensive. A comprehensive strategy will require much more work and investment to achieve these high goals. Alternatively a more moderate strategy will cost less per month due to the level of work being completed being less.

A quality SEO Sydney company will always discuss your business goals with you to ensure they create an SEO campaign that will meet your needs.

Where The Work Is Being Done

This is another large influence on cost and we will talk more about this in the next section too.

It should come as no surprise that the labour wages here in Australia are much higher than that of a third world country. So if your SEO company does all of your SEO work here in Australia and has to pay proper wages to its staff then you should expect to pay more for your SEO services. Also for this higher cost you should be assured of a higher quality of work.

However if your SEO company is based somewhere overseas such as India, Thailand, Pakistan, etc. Or they outsource their work to overseas workers then you should expect to pay less. The problem with overseas workers can often be a quality issue. This is most noticeable in the written content as they do not have a solid grasp on Australian English spelling and grammar.

Be Careful Hunting for the Lowest Priced SEO Agency

When quoted an SEO price in Sydney you may be tempted to hunt for a lower price. Normally when buying a product there is no harm with shopping around for the lowest price. Especially if the product will be the same from each distributor. However when it comes to services not every service provider provides the same quality of service. Normally you get what you pay for.

First and foremost you may be tempted to go with an SEO company that offers a price below $500 per month. However be warned there are many scam artists who know all too well that SEO takes time to achieve results. These scammers know the lingo and are more than happy to take your money for a few months and do zero work. Or worse yet they may use non-compliant strategies that could result in your website getting penalised.

Beware if Rip-Off and Con Artists

Even we get the emails from “SEO professionals” offering all the first page rankings you want for just $99 per month.

There are either two ways this plays out:

  1. It’s a scam. They do no work and take your money for as many months as they can.
  2. They use automated software to try to do the work of real people. Google sees this and penalises your website.

If you do try to negotiate with a legitimate SEO company you should expect them to change the SEO strategy to suit your budget. SEO takes time and effort and these costs will be factored into your quote. It is highly unlikely that a company can simply shave off hundreds of dollars from your quoted price without making some changes to their service. If they can, they were ripping you off with the original quote!

If your Sydney SEO service provider states they will lower your SEO price without changing your service, this is a big red flag. More than likely they will lower the quality of service in some way to still achieve their profits. This could mean outsourcing your work overseas or using shortcuts. Overall this will lower the quality of your site’s SEO. And if done incorrectly could result in a penalised website!

Recovering from a Google penalty is not something that you want to go through. It can often take many months to reverse the damage that has been done. All the money that is lost while you site is down is not worth the savings that you would achieve by going with a cheap SEO company.

SEO Services are a Business Investment

When you realise this the price point for your SEO Sydney service should no longer be the question. Instead you should be asking “what will this service provide as a return?”.

Getting to the top of Google for high volume buyer intent keywords can provide huge revenues for your business. This should be the reason why you are looking to start an SEO campaign in the first place.

Keep this point in mind when looking for an SEO service in Sydney and avoid getting ripped off. We wish you and your business all the best in your SEO endeavours.

Don’t Be Fooled By Low Quality & Cheap SEO Services

We provide high quality SEO services using search engine compliant strategies that deliver very attractive ROI’s. Request your free SEO analysis now.

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